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Interop module

Reference counting classes using cffi (C Foreign Function Interface for Python) for interoperability.

Implementation of reference counting classes for external resources accessed via interoperability software such as cffi

CffiData: TypeAlias = Any module-attribute

A dummy type to use in type hints for limited documentation purposes

FFI.CData is a type, but it seems it cannot be used in type hinting.


Bases: NativeHandle

Reference counting wrapper class for CFFI pointers

This class is originally inspired from a class with a similar purpose in C#. See

Say you have a C API as follows:

  • void* create_some_object();
  • dispose_of_some_object(void* obj);

and accessing it using Python and CFFI. Users would use the calllib function:

from cffi import FFI
ffi = FFI()

# cdef() expects a single string declaring the C types, functions and
# globals needed to use the shared object. It must be in valid C syntax.
    void* create_some_object();
    dispose_of_some_object(void* obj);
mydll_so = ffi.dlopen('/path/to/')
cffi_void_ptr = mydll_so.create_some_object()

at some point when done you need to dispose of it to clear native memory:


In practice in real systems one quickly ends up with cases where it is unclear when to dispose of the object. If you call the dispose_of_some_object function more than once, or too soon, you quickly crash the program, or possibly worse outcomes with numeric non-sense. CffiNativeHandle is designed to alleviate this headache by using native reference counting of handle classes to reliably dispose of objects.


Name Type Description
_handle object

The handle (e.g. cffi pointer) to the native resource.

_type_id Optional[str]

An optional identifier for the type of underlying resource. This can be used to usefully maintain type information about the pointer/handle across an otherwise opaque C API. See package documentation.

_finalizing bool

a flag telling whether this object is in its deletion phase. This has a use in some advanced cases with reverse callback, possibly not relevant in Python.

Source code in refcount/
class CffiNativeHandle(NativeHandle):
    """Reference counting wrapper class for CFFI pointers

    This class is originally inspired from a class with a similar purpose in C#. See

    Say you have a C API as follows:

    * `void* create_some_object();`
    * `dispose_of_some_object(void* obj);`

    and accessing it using Python and [CFFI](
    Users would use the `calllib` function:

    from cffi import FFI
    ffi = FFI()

    # cdef() expects a single string declaring the C types, functions and
    # globals needed to use the shared object. It must be in valid C syntax.
        void* create_some_object();
        dispose_of_some_object(void* obj);
    mydll_so = ffi.dlopen('/path/to/')
    cffi_void_ptr = mydll_so.create_some_object()

    at some point when done you need to dispose of it to clear native memory:


    In practice in real systems one quickly ends up with cases
    where it is unclear when to dispose of the object.
    If you call the `dispose_of_some_object` function more
    than once, or too soon, you quickly crash the program, or possibly worse outcomes with numeric non-sense.
    `CffiNativeHandle` is designed to alleviate this headache by
    using native reference counting of `handle` classes to reliably dispose of objects.

        _handle (object): The handle (e.g. cffi pointer) to the native resource.
        _type_id (Optional[str]): An optional identifier for the type of underlying resource. This can be used to usefully maintain type information about the pointer/handle across an otherwise opaque C API. See package documentation.
        _finalizing (bool): a flag telling whether this object is in its deletion phase. This has a use in some advanced cases with reverse callback, possibly not relevant in Python.

    def __init__(self, handle: "CffiData", type_id: Optional[str] = None, prior_ref_count: int = 0):
        """Initialize a reference counter for a resource handle, with an initial reference count.

            handle (object): The handle (e.g. cffi pointer) to the native resource.
            type_id (Optional[str]): An optional identifier for the type of underlying resource. This can be used to usefully maintain type information about the pointer/handle across an otherwise opaque C API. See package documentation.
            prior_ref_count (int): the initial reference count. Default 0 if this NativeHandle is sole responsible for the lifecycle of the resource.
        super(CffiNativeHandle, self).__init__(handle, prior_ref_count)
        # TODO checks on handle
        self._type_id = type_id
        self._finalizing: bool = False
        self._handle: "CffiData" = None
        if handle is None:
            return  # defer setting the handle to the inheritor.
        self._set_handle(handle, prior_ref_count)

    def _is_valid_handle(self, h: "CffiData") -> bool:
        """Checks if the handle is a CFFI CData pointer, acceptable handle for this wrapper.

            handle (object): The handle (e.g. cffi pointer) to the native resource.
        return isinstance(h, FFI.CData)

    def __dispose_impl(self, decrement: bool) -> None:
        """An implementation of the dispose method in a 'Dispose' software pattern. Avoids cyclic method calls.

            decrement (bool): indicating whether the reference count should be decreased. It should almost always be True except in very unusual use cases (argument is for possible future use).
        if self.disposed:
        if decrement:
            self._ref_count = self._ref_count - 1
        if self._ref_count <= 0:
            if self._release_handle():
                self._handle = None

    def disposed(self) -> bool:
        """Has the native object and memory already been disposed of.

            (bool): The underlying native handle has been disposed of from this wrapper
        return self._handle is None

    def is_invalid(self) -> bool:
        """Is the underlying handle valid? In practice synonym with the disposed attribute.

            (bool): True if this handle is valid
        return self._handle is None

    def _release_handle(self) -> bool:
        """Must of overriden. Method disposing of the object pointed to by the CFFI pointer (handle)

            NotImplementedError: thrown if this method is not overriden by inheritors

            bool: Overriding implementation should return True if the release of native resources was successful, False otherwise.
        # See also
        # May want to make this abstract using ABC - we'll see.
        raise NotImplementedError("method _release_handle must be overriden by child classes")

    def get_handle(self) -> Union["CffiData", None]:
        """Gets the underlying low-level CFFI handle this object wraps

            (Union[CffiData, None]): CFFI handle or None
        return self._handle

    # TODO?
    # @property.getter
    # def ptr(self):
    #     """ Return the pointer to a cffi object """
    #     return self._handle

    def type_id(self) -> Optional[str]:
        """Return an optional type identifier for the underlying native type.

        This can be in practice useful to be more transparent about the underlying
        type obtained via a C API with opaque pointers (i.e. void*)

            str: optional type identifier
        return self._type_id

    # @property
    # def obj(self):
    #     """ Return the native object pointed to (cffi object) """
    #     return self._handle

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """ string representation """
        if self.type_id is None or self.type_id == "":
            return "CFFI pointer handle to a native pointer " + str(self._handle)
        return 'CFFI pointer handle to a native pointer of type id "' + self.type_id + '"'

    def ptr(self) -> 'CffiData':
        """ Return the pointer (cffi object) """
        return self._handle

    def obj(self) -> Any:
        """ Return the object pointed to (cffi object) """
        return self._handle[0]

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """ string representation """
        return str(self)

    def __del__(self) -> None:
        """ destructor, triggering the release of the underlying handled resource if the reference count is 0 """
        if self._handle is not None:
            # if not self._release_native is None:
            # Protect against accessing properties
            # of partially constructed objects (May not be an issue in Python?)
            self._finalizing = True

    def dispose(self) -> None:
        """Disposing of the object pointed to by the CFFI pointer (handle) if the reference counts allows it."""

    def release(self) -> None:
        """Manually decrements the reference counter. Triggers disposal if reference count is down to zero."""

disposed: bool property

Has the native object and memory already been disposed of.


Type Description

The underlying native handle has been disposed of from this wrapper

is_invalid: bool property

Is the underlying handle valid? In practice synonym with the disposed attribute.


Type Description

True if this handle is valid

obj: Any property

Return the object pointed to (cffi object)

ptr: CffiData property

Return the pointer (cffi object)

type_id: Optional[str] property

Return an optional type identifier for the underlying native type.

This can be in practice useful to be more transparent about the underlying type obtained via a C API with opaque pointers (i.e. void*)


Name Type Description
str Optional[str]

optional type identifier


destructor, triggering the release of the underlying handled resource if the reference count is 0

Source code in refcount/
def __del__(self) -> None:
    """ destructor, triggering the release of the underlying handled resource if the reference count is 0 """
    if self._handle is not None:
        # if not self._release_native is None:
        # Protect against accessing properties
        # of partially constructed objects (May not be an issue in Python?)
        self._finalizing = True


An implementation of the dispose method in a 'Dispose' software pattern. Avoids cyclic method calls.


Name Type Description Default
decrement bool

indicating whether the reference count should be decreased. It should almost always be True except in very unusual use cases (argument is for possible future use).

Source code in refcount/
def __dispose_impl(self, decrement: bool) -> None:
    """An implementation of the dispose method in a 'Dispose' software pattern. Avoids cyclic method calls.

        decrement (bool): indicating whether the reference count should be decreased. It should almost always be True except in very unusual use cases (argument is for possible future use).
    if self.disposed:
    if decrement:
        self._ref_count = self._ref_count - 1
    if self._ref_count <= 0:
        if self._release_handle():
            self._handle = None

__init__(handle, type_id=None, prior_ref_count=0)

Initialize a reference counter for a resource handle, with an initial reference count.


Name Type Description Default
handle object

The handle (e.g. cffi pointer) to the native resource.

type_id Optional[str]

An optional identifier for the type of underlying resource. This can be used to usefully maintain type information about the pointer/handle across an otherwise opaque C API. See package documentation.

prior_ref_count int

the initial reference count. Default 0 if this NativeHandle is sole responsible for the lifecycle of the resource.

Source code in refcount/
def __init__(self, handle: "CffiData", type_id: Optional[str] = None, prior_ref_count: int = 0):
    """Initialize a reference counter for a resource handle, with an initial reference count.

        handle (object): The handle (e.g. cffi pointer) to the native resource.
        type_id (Optional[str]): An optional identifier for the type of underlying resource. This can be used to usefully maintain type information about the pointer/handle across an otherwise opaque C API. See package documentation.
        prior_ref_count (int): the initial reference count. Default 0 if this NativeHandle is sole responsible for the lifecycle of the resource.
    super(CffiNativeHandle, self).__init__(handle, prior_ref_count)
    # TODO checks on handle
    self._type_id = type_id
    self._finalizing: bool = False
    self._handle: "CffiData" = None
    if handle is None:
        return  # defer setting the handle to the inheritor.
    self._set_handle(handle, prior_ref_count)


string representation

Source code in refcount/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
    """ string representation """
    return str(self)


string representation

Source code in refcount/
def __str__(self) -> str:
    """ string representation """
    if self.type_id is None or self.type_id == "":
        return "CFFI pointer handle to a native pointer " + str(self._handle)
    return 'CFFI pointer handle to a native pointer of type id "' + self.type_id + '"'


Disposing of the object pointed to by the CFFI pointer (handle) if the reference counts allows it.

Source code in refcount/
def dispose(self) -> None:
    """Disposing of the object pointed to by the CFFI pointer (handle) if the reference counts allows it."""


Gets the underlying low-level CFFI handle this object wraps


Type Description
Union[CffiData, None]

CFFI handle or None

Source code in refcount/
def get_handle(self) -> Union["CffiData", None]:
    """Gets the underlying low-level CFFI handle this object wraps

        (Union[CffiData, None]): CFFI handle or None
    return self._handle


Manually decrements the reference counter. Triggers disposal if reference count is down to zero.

Source code in refcount/
def release(self) -> None:
    """Manually decrements the reference counter. Triggers disposal if reference count is down to zero."""


A class that creates custom python wrappers based on the type identifier of the external pointer being wrapped

Source code in refcount/
class CffiWrapperFactory:
    """A class that creates custom python wrappers based on the type identifier of the external pointer being wrapped
    def __init__(self, api_type_wrapper:Dict[str,Any], strict_wrapping:bool=False) -> None:

            api_type_wrapper (Dict[str,Any]): dictionary, mapping from type identifiers to callables, class constructors
            strict_wrapping (bool, optional): If true, type identifiers passed at wrapper creation time `create_wrapper` 
                must be known or exceptions are raised. If False, it falls back on creating generic wrappers. Defaults to False.
        self._strict_wrapping = strict_wrapping
        self._api_type_wrapper = api_type_wrapper

    def create_wrapper(self, obj: Any, type_id: str, release_native: Optional[Callable[["CffiData"], None]]) -> 'CffiNativeHandle':

            obj (Union[CffiData,Any]): An object, which will be wrapped if this is a CFFI pointer, i.e. an instance of `CffiData`
            type_id (Optional[str]): An optional identifier for the type of underlying resource. This can be used to usefully maintain type information about the pointer/handle across an otherwise opaque C API. See package documentation.
            release_native (Callable[[CffiData],None]): function to call on deleting this wrapper. The function should have one argument accepting the object handle.

            ValueError: Missing type_id
            ValueError: If this object is in strict mode, and `type_id` is not known in the mapping
            NotImplementedError: `type_id` is known, but mapping to None (wrapper not yet implemented)
            TypeError: The function to create the wrapper does not accept any argument. 

            CffiNativeHandle: cffi wrapper
        from inspect import signature
        if type_id is None:
            raise ValueError("Type ID provided cannot be None")
        if type_id not in self._api_type_wrapper.keys():
            if self._strict_wrapping:
                raise ValueError("Type ID {} is unknown".format(type_id))
                return wrap_cffi_native_handle(obj, type_id, release_native)
        wrapper_type = self._api_type_wrapper[type_id]
        if wrapper_type is None:
            if self._strict_wrapping:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "Python object wrapper for foreign type ID {} is not yet implemented".format(
                return wrap_cffi_native_handle(obj, type_id, release_native)
            s = signature(wrapper_type)
            n = len(s.parameters)
            if n == 0:
                raise TypeError("Wrapper constructor must have at least one argument")
            elif n == 1:
                return wrapper_type(obj)
            elif n == 2:
                return wrapper_type(obj, release_native)
                return wrapper_type(obj, release_native, type_id)

__init__(api_type_wrapper, strict_wrapping=False)



Name Type Description Default
api_type_wrapper Dict[str, Any]

dictionary, mapping from type identifiers to callables, class constructors

strict_wrapping bool

If true, type identifiers passed at wrapper creation time create_wrapper must be known or exceptions are raised. If False, it falls back on creating generic wrappers. Defaults to False.

Source code in refcount/
def __init__(self, api_type_wrapper:Dict[str,Any], strict_wrapping:bool=False) -> None:

        api_type_wrapper (Dict[str,Any]): dictionary, mapping from type identifiers to callables, class constructors
        strict_wrapping (bool, optional): If true, type identifiers passed at wrapper creation time `create_wrapper` 
            must be known or exceptions are raised. If False, it falls back on creating generic wrappers. Defaults to False.
    self._strict_wrapping = strict_wrapping
    self._api_type_wrapper = api_type_wrapper

create_wrapper(obj, type_id, release_native)



Name Type Description Default
obj Union[CffiData, Any]

An object, which will be wrapped if this is a CFFI pointer, i.e. an instance of CffiData

type_id Optional[str]

An optional identifier for the type of underlying resource. This can be used to usefully maintain type information about the pointer/handle across an otherwise opaque C API. See package documentation.

release_native Callable[[CffiData], None]

function to call on deleting this wrapper. The function should have one argument accepting the object handle.



Type Description

Missing type_id


If this object is in strict mode, and type_id is not known in the mapping


type_id is known, but mapping to None (wrapper not yet implemented)


The function to create the wrapper does not accept any argument.


Name Type Description
CffiNativeHandle CffiNativeHandle

cffi wrapper

Source code in refcount/
def create_wrapper(self, obj: Any, type_id: str, release_native: Optional[Callable[["CffiData"], None]]) -> 'CffiNativeHandle':

        obj (Union[CffiData,Any]): An object, which will be wrapped if this is a CFFI pointer, i.e. an instance of `CffiData`
        type_id (Optional[str]): An optional identifier for the type of underlying resource. This can be used to usefully maintain type information about the pointer/handle across an otherwise opaque C API. See package documentation.
        release_native (Callable[[CffiData],None]): function to call on deleting this wrapper. The function should have one argument accepting the object handle.

        ValueError: Missing type_id
        ValueError: If this object is in strict mode, and `type_id` is not known in the mapping
        NotImplementedError: `type_id` is known, but mapping to None (wrapper not yet implemented)
        TypeError: The function to create the wrapper does not accept any argument. 

        CffiNativeHandle: cffi wrapper
    from inspect import signature
    if type_id is None:
        raise ValueError("Type ID provided cannot be None")
    if type_id not in self._api_type_wrapper.keys():
        if self._strict_wrapping:
            raise ValueError("Type ID {} is unknown".format(type_id))
            return wrap_cffi_native_handle(obj, type_id, release_native)
    wrapper_type = self._api_type_wrapper[type_id]
    if wrapper_type is None:
        if self._strict_wrapping:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Python object wrapper for foreign type ID {} is not yet implemented".format(
            return wrap_cffi_native_handle(obj, type_id, release_native)
        s = signature(wrapper_type)
        n = len(s.parameters)
        if n == 0:
            raise TypeError("Wrapper constructor must have at least one argument")
        elif n == 1:
            return wrapper_type(obj)
        elif n == 2:
            return wrapper_type(obj, release_native)
            return wrapper_type(obj, release_native, type_id)


Bases: CffiNativeHandle

Reference counting wrapper class for CFFI pointers


Name Type Description
_handle object

The handle (e.g. cffi pointer) to the native resource.

_type_id Optional[str]

An optional identifier for the type of underlying resource. This can be used to usefully maintain type information about the pointer/handle across an otherwise opaque C API. See package documentation.

_finalizing bool

a flag telling whether this object is in its deletion phase. This has a use in some advanced cases with reverse callback, possibly not relevant in Python.

_release_native Callable[[CffiData], None]

function to call on deleting this wrapper. The function should have one argument accepting the object _handle.

Source code in refcount/
class DeletableCffiNativeHandle(CffiNativeHandle):
    """Reference counting wrapper class for CFFI pointers

        _handle (object): The handle (e.g. cffi pointer) to the native resource.
        _type_id (Optional[str]): An optional identifier for the type of underlying resource. This can be used to usefully maintain type information about the pointer/handle across an otherwise opaque C API. See package documentation.
        _finalizing (bool): a flag telling whether this object is in its deletion phase. This has a use in some advanced cases with reverse callback, possibly not relevant in Python.
        _release_native (Callable[[CffiData],None]): function to call on deleting this wrapper. The function should have one argument accepting the object _handle.

    def __init__(
        handle: "CffiData",
        release_native: Optional[Callable[["CffiData"], None]],
        type_id: Optional[str] = None,
        prior_ref_count: int = 0,
        """New reference counter for a CFFI resource handle.

            handle (CffiData): The handle (expected cffi pointer) to the native resource.
            release_native (Callable[[CffiData],None]): function to call on deleting this wrapper. The function should have one argument accepting the object handle.
            type_id (str, optional): [description]. An optional identifier for the type of underlying resource. This can be used to usefully maintain type information about the pointer/handle across an otherwise opaque C API. See package documentation. Defaults to None.
            prior_ref_count (int, optional): [description]. The initial reference count. Defaults to 0 if this NativeHandle is sole responsible for the lifecycle of the resource.
        super(DeletableCffiNativeHandle, self).__init__(
            handle, type_id, prior_ref_count
        self._release_native = release_native
        self._set_handle(handle, prior_ref_count)

    def _release_handle(self) -> bool:
        """Release the handle, dispose of the native resource.

            bool: Return True if the release of native resources handle was successful, False otherwise.
        if self._handle is None:
            return False
        if self._release_native is None:
            return False
        if self._release_native is not None:
            )  # TODO are trapped exceptions acceptable here?
            return True

__init__(handle, release_native, type_id=None, prior_ref_count=0)

New reference counter for a CFFI resource handle.


Name Type Description Default
handle CffiData

The handle (expected cffi pointer) to the native resource.

release_native Callable[[CffiData], None]

function to call on deleting this wrapper. The function should have one argument accepting the object handle.

type_id str

[description]. An optional identifier for the type of underlying resource. This can be used to usefully maintain type information about the pointer/handle across an otherwise opaque C API. See package documentation. Defaults to None.

prior_ref_count int

[description]. The initial reference count. Defaults to 0 if this NativeHandle is sole responsible for the lifecycle of the resource.

Source code in refcount/
def __init__(
    handle: "CffiData",
    release_native: Optional[Callable[["CffiData"], None]],
    type_id: Optional[str] = None,
    prior_ref_count: int = 0,
    """New reference counter for a CFFI resource handle.

        handle (CffiData): The handle (expected cffi pointer) to the native resource.
        release_native (Callable[[CffiData],None]): function to call on deleting this wrapper. The function should have one argument accepting the object handle.
        type_id (str, optional): [description]. An optional identifier for the type of underlying resource. This can be used to usefully maintain type information about the pointer/handle across an otherwise opaque C API. See package documentation. Defaults to None.
        prior_ref_count (int, optional): [description]. The initial reference count. Defaults to 0 if this NativeHandle is sole responsible for the lifecycle of the resource.
    super(DeletableCffiNativeHandle, self).__init__(
        handle, type_id, prior_ref_count
    self._release_native = release_native
    self._set_handle(handle, prior_ref_count)


A pass-through wrapper for python objects that are ready for C interop. "bytes" can be passed as C 'char*'

This is mostly a facility to generate glue code more easily

Source code in refcount/
class GenericWrapper:
    """A pass-through wrapper for python objects that are ready for C interop. "bytes" can be passed as C 'char*'

    This is mostly a facility to generate glue code more easily 

    def __init__(self, handle: Any):
        self._handle = handle

    def ptr(self) -> Any:
        return self._handle


Bases: CffiNativeHandle

Reference counting wrapper class for CFFI pointers that own and already manage the native memory


Name Type Description
_handle object

The handle (e.g. cffi pointer) to the native resource.

_type_id Optional[str]

An optional identifier for the type of underlying resource. This can be used to usefully maintain type information about the pointer/handle across an otherwise opaque C API. See package documentation.

_finalizing bool

a flag telling whether this object is in its deletion phase. This has a use in some advanced cases with reverse callback, possibly not relevant in Python.

Source code in refcount/
class OwningCffiNativeHandle(CffiNativeHandle):
    """Reference counting wrapper class for CFFI pointers that own and already manage the native memory

        _handle (object): The handle (e.g. cffi pointer) to the native resource.
        _type_id (Optional[str]): An optional identifier for the type of underlying resource. This can be used to usefully maintain type information about the pointer/handle across an otherwise opaque C API. See package documentation.
        _finalizing (bool): a flag telling whether this object is in its deletion phase. This has a use in some advanced cases with reverse callback, possibly not relevant in Python.

    # """ a global function that can be called to release an external pointer """
    # release_native = None

    def __init__(
        handle: "CffiData",
        type_id: str = None,
        prior_ref_count: int = 0,
        """Reference counting wrapper class for CFFI pointers that own and already manage the native memory

            handle (CffiData): The handle (expected cffi pointer) to the native resource.
            type_id (str, optional): [description]. An optional identifier for the type of underlying resource. This can be used to usefully maintain type information about the pointer/handle across an otherwise opaque C API. See package documentation. Defaults to None.
            prior_ref_count (int, optional): [description]. The initial reference count. Defaults to 0 if this NativeHandle is sole responsible for the lifecycle of the resource.
        super(OwningCffiNativeHandle, self).__init__(
            handle, type_id, prior_ref_count
        self._set_handle(handle, prior_ref_count)

    def _release_handle(self) -> bool:
        """Does nothing, as the wrapped cffi pointer is already owning and managing the memory

            bool: Always returns True.
        return True

__init__(handle, type_id=None, prior_ref_count=0)

Reference counting wrapper class for CFFI pointers that own and already manage the native memory


Name Type Description Default
handle CffiData

The handle (expected cffi pointer) to the native resource.

type_id str

[description]. An optional identifier for the type of underlying resource. This can be used to usefully maintain type information about the pointer/handle across an otherwise opaque C API. See package documentation. Defaults to None.

prior_ref_count int

[description]. The initial reference count. Defaults to 0 if this NativeHandle is sole responsible for the lifecycle of the resource.

Source code in refcount/
def __init__(
    handle: "CffiData",
    type_id: str = None,
    prior_ref_count: int = 0,
    """Reference counting wrapper class for CFFI pointers that own and already manage the native memory

        handle (CffiData): The handle (expected cffi pointer) to the native resource.
        type_id (str, optional): [description]. An optional identifier for the type of underlying resource. This can be used to usefully maintain type information about the pointer/handle across an otherwise opaque C API. See package documentation. Defaults to None.
        prior_ref_count (int, optional): [description]. The initial reference count. Defaults to 0 if this NativeHandle is sole responsible for the lifecycle of the resource.
    super(OwningCffiNativeHandle, self).__init__(
        handle, type_id, prior_ref_count
    self._set_handle(handle, prior_ref_count)

cffi_arg_error_external_obj_type(x, expected_type_id)

Build an error message that an unexpected object is in lieu of an expected refcount external ref object.


Name Type Description Default
x object

object passed as an argument to a function but with an unexpected type or type id.

expected_type_id Optional[str]

Expected identifier for the type of underlying resource being wrapped.


Returns (str): the error message

Source code in refcount/
def cffi_arg_error_external_obj_type(x: Any, expected_type_id: str) -> str:
    """Build an error message that an unexpected object is in lieu of an expected refcount external ref object.

        x (object): object passed as an argument to a function but with an unexpected type or type id.
        expected_type_id (Optional[str]): Expected identifier for the type of underlying resource being wrapped.

    Returns (str): the error message
    if x is None:
        return "Expected a 'CffiNativeHandle' but instead got 'None'"
    if not is_cffi_native_handle(x):
        return (
            "Expected a 'CffiNativeHandle' but instead got object of type '{0}'".format(
        return "Expected a 'CffiNativeHandle' with underlying type id '{0}' but instead got one with type id '{1}'".format(
            expected_type_id, x.type_id

is_cffi_native_handle(x, type_id='')

Checks whether an object is a ref counting wrapper around a CFFI pointer


Name Type Description Default
x object

object to test, presumed to be an instance of CffiNativeHandle

type_id Optional[str]

Optional identifier for the type of underlying resource being wrapped.

Source code in refcount/
def is_cffi_native_handle(x: Any, type_id: str = "") -> bool:
    """Checks whether an object is a ref counting wrapper around a CFFI pointer

        x (object): object to test, presumed to be an instance of `CffiNativeHandle`
        type_id (Optional[str]): Optional identifier for the type of underlying resource being wrapped.
    if x is None:
        return False
    if not isinstance(x, CffiNativeHandle):
        return False
    if type_id is None or type_id == "":
        return True
    return x.type_id == type_id

type_error_cffi(x, expected_type)

DEPRECATED Build an error message for situations where a cffi pointer handler is not that, or not of the expected type


Name Type Description Default
x Union[CffiNativeHandle, Any]

actual object that is not of the expected type or underlying type for the external pointer.

expected_type str

underlying type expected for the CFFI pointer handler



Name Type Description
str str

error message that the caller can use to report the issue

Source code in refcount/
def type_error_cffi(x:Union[CffiNativeHandle, Any], expected_type:str) -> str:
    """DEPRECATED Build an error message for situations where a cffi pointer handler is not that, or not of the expected type

        x (Union[CffiNativeHandle, Any]): actual object that is not of the expected type or underlying type for the external pointer.
        expected_type (str): underlying type expected for the CFFI pointer handler

        str: error message that the caller can use to report the issue
    return cffi_arg_error_external_obj_type(x, expected_type)

unwrap_cffi_native_handle(obj_wrapper, stringent=False)

Unwrap a reference counting wrapper and returns its CFFI pointer if it is found (wrapped or 'raw')


Name Type Description Default
obj_wrapper Any

An object, which will be unwrapped if this is a CFFI pointer, i.e. an instance of CffiData

stringent bool

[description]. if True an error is raised if obj_wrapper is neither None, a CffiNativeHandle nor an CffiData. Defaults to False.



Type Description

A CFFI pointer could not be found in the object.


Type Description
Union[CffiData, Any, None]

Union[CffiData,Any,None]: A CFFI pointer if it was found. Returns None or unchanged if not found, and stringent is equal to False. Exception otherwise.

Source code in refcount/
def unwrap_cffi_native_handle(
    obj_wrapper: Any, stringent: bool = False
) -> Union["CffiData", Any, None]:
    """Unwrap a reference counting wrapper and returns its CFFI pointer if it is found (wrapped or 'raw')

        obj_wrapper (Any): An object, which will be unwrapped if this is a CFFI pointer, i.e. an instance of `CffiData`
        stringent (bool, optional): [description]. if True an error is raised if obj_wrapper is neither None, a CffiNativeHandle nor an CffiData. Defaults to False.

        Exception: A CFFI pointer could not be found in the object.

        Union[CffiData,Any,None]: A CFFI pointer if it was found. Returns None or unchanged if not found, and stringent is equal to False. Exception otherwise.
    # 2016-01-28 allowing null pointers, to unlock behavior of EstimateERRISParameters.
    # Reassess approach, even if other C API function will still catch the issue of null ptrs.
    if obj_wrapper is None:
        return None
    if isinstance(obj_wrapper, CffiNativeHandle):
        return obj_wrapper.get_handle()
    if isinstance(obj_wrapper, FFI.CData):
        return obj_wrapper
        if stringent:
            raise TypeError(
                "Argument is neither a CffiNativeHandle nor a CFFI external pointer"
            return obj_wrapper

wrap_as_pointer_handle(obj_wrapper, stringent=False)

Wrap an object, if need be, so that its C API pointer appears accessible via a 'ptr' property


Name Type Description Default
obj_wrapper Any

Object to wrap, if necessary

stringent bool

Throws an exception if the input type is unhandled. Defaults to False.



Type Description

neither a CffiNativeHandle nor a CFFI external pointer, nor bytes


Type Description
Union[CffiNativeHandle, OwningCffiNativeHandle, GenericWrapper]

Union[CffiNativeHandle, OwningCffiNativeHandle, GenericWrapper, None]: wrapped object or None

Source code in refcount/
def wrap_as_pointer_handle(
    obj_wrapper: Any, stringent: bool = False
) -> Union[CffiNativeHandle, OwningCffiNativeHandle, GenericWrapper]:
    """Wrap an object, if need be, so that its C API pointer appears accessible via a 'ptr' property

        obj_wrapper (Any): Object to wrap, if necessary
        stringent (bool, optional): Throws an exception if the input type is unhandled. Defaults to False.

        TypeError: neither a CffiNativeHandle nor a CFFI external pointer, nor bytes

        Union[CffiNativeHandle, OwningCffiNativeHandle, GenericWrapper, None]: wrapped object or None
    # 2016-01-28 allowing null pointers, to unlock behavior of EstimateERRISParameters.
    # Reassess approach, even if other C API function will still catch the issue of null ptrs.
    if obj_wrapper is None:
        return GenericWrapper(None)
        # return GenericWrapper(FFI.NULL)  # Ended with kernel crashes and API call return, but unclear why
    elif isinstance(obj_wrapper, CffiNativeHandle):
        return obj_wrapper
    elif isinstance(obj_wrapper, FFI.CData):
        return OwningCffiNativeHandle(obj_wrapper)
    elif isinstance(obj_wrapper, bytes):
        return GenericWrapper(obj_wrapper)
        if stringent:
            raise TypeError(
                "Argument is neither a CffiNativeHandle nor a CFFI external pointer, nor bytes"
            return obj_wrapper

wrap_cffi_native_handle(obj, type_id='', release_native=None)

Create a reference counting wrapper around an object if this object is a CFFI pointer


Name Type Description Default
obj Union[CffiData, Any]

An object, which will be wrapped if this is a CFFI pointer, i.e. an instance of CffiData

release_native Callable[[CffiData], None]

function to call on deleting this wrapper. The function should have one argument accepting the object handle.

type_id Optional[str]

An optional identifier for the type of underlying resource. This can be used to usefully maintain type information about the pointer/handle across an otherwise opaque C API. See package documentation.

Source code in refcount/
def wrap_cffi_native_handle(
    obj: Union["CffiData", Any],
    type_id: str = "",
    release_native: Callable[["CffiData"], None] = None,
) -> Union[DeletableCffiNativeHandle, Any]:
    """Create a reference counting wrapper around an object if this object is a CFFI pointer

        obj (Union[CffiData,Any]): An object, which will be wrapped if this is a CFFI pointer, i.e. an instance of `CffiData`
        release_native (Callable[[CffiData],None]): function to call on deleting this wrapper. The function should have one argument accepting the object handle.
        type_id (Optional[str]): An optional identifier for the type of underlying resource. This can be used to usefully maintain type information about the pointer/handle across an otherwise opaque C API. See package documentation.
    if isinstance(obj, FFI.CData):
        return DeletableCffiNativeHandle(
            obj, release_native=release_native, type_id=type_id
        return obj