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Usage and applications


In computer science, reference counting is a programming technique of storing the number of references, pointers, or handles to a resource, such as an object, a block of memory, disk space, and others.

This refcount package is primarily for managing resources in native libraries, written for instance in C++, from Python. While it boils down to "simply" maintaining a set of counters, it is deceptively complicated to do so properly and not end up with memory leaks or crashes. This package offers structured options for reliably managing external native resources. Surprisingly I could not locate an existing python package doing just what I needed. Other use cases requiring reference counting, aside from native library resources, may benefit from reusing and extending classes in refcount.

While refcount may be used in a variety of contexts, it evolved from use cases needing a Python wrapper around native libraries featuring a C API with opaque pointers (void*), using cffi for interoperability. This document will not list the many other ways this can be done, nor compare to them.

Interfacing with a C API

C is still the "lingua franca' of in-memory interoperability.

Say we have a C++ library with objects and a C API. The example is contrived for the sake of simplicity.

#define TEST_DOG_PTR  testnative::dog*
#define TEST_OWNER_PTR  testnative::owner*
#define TEST_COUNTED_PTR  testnative::reference_counter*

testnative::dog* create_dog();
testnative::owner* create_owner(testnative::dog* d);
void say_walk(testnative::owner* owner);
void release(testnative::reference_counter* obj);
// etc.

From the outside of the library the API is exported with opaque pointers void* (C structs pointers and native C99 types could be handled too).

void* create_dog();
void* create_owner(void* d);
void say_walk(void* owner);
void release(void* obj);
// etc.

A user experience in Python should be something like this:

dog = Dog()
owner = DogOwner(dog)
dog = None # the "native dog" is still alive though, as the owner incremented the ref count. Otherwise, we could have a dreaded segmentation fault.
owner = None

We want python objects and functions hiding the low level details close to the C API, in particular the end user should avoiding managing native memory via release C API calls, piggybacking the python reference counting instead.

A real-world use case

Let's look at a (hopefully) more compelling story. refcount is used to surface to Python a library to manage data for ensemble time series forecast simulation, uchronia. An example of such simulations is the 7-day Ensemble Streamflow Forecasts of the Australian Bureau of Meteorology.

The header file for the C API of uchronia is in a file extern_c_api.h

This C API has function definitions such as:

DATATYPES_API ENSEMBLE_DATA_SET_PTR LoadEnsembleDataset(const char* libraryIdentifier, const char* dataPath);

This uses some standard C types such as char*, but also an ENSEMBLE_DATA_SET_PTR, a pointer to a complex structure/object. Glossing over some details, this object is an instance of a C++ object TimeSeriesLibrary, actually of a C++ template class:

    template<typename T>
    class TTimeSeriesLibrary

BUT class or template are not understood in C; from the outside of the library, this is just an opaque pointer void*

void* LoadEnsembleDataset(const char* libraryIdentifier, const char* dataPath);

This is understandably all scary to most Python aficionados. We want to craft 'pythonic' user experience via first class python objects. An example of how it looks from the outside would be:

class TimeSeriesLibrary:
    def get_series_identifiers(self) -> List['str']:
        ## something magic calling the C API
    def get_series(self, series_identifier:str) -> pd.Series:
        ## something magic calling the C API

How it is done

  • resource management: refcount is the cornerstone managing external resources (data in native memory), saving you from memory leaks or segmentation fault program crashes.
  • data marshalling: The package cinterop offers facilities to convert data in C types (such as double**) into, for instance, an xarray DataArray or pandas DataFrame representation.
  • code generation: Writing and maintening low-level interperability is tedious and bug prone. You'll want to automate and generate everything you can. One such generated code is Believe it or not, this is not a particularly large API, and code generation is already a must. This is achieved in this case with c-api-wrapper-generation